Program Position Open!
PFLAG BF is looking for a new Program Co-Lead for our SAFE Socials. In this role you’ll get to engage with the community by creating a fun and welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ adults.
Interested? Email us at

PFLAG’s SAFE (Sexuality Advocacy for Everyone) Socials are monthly hangout events for adult LGBTQIA2+ folks and their allies. We’ll supply an activity for everyone to enjoy. This is a space where we can come together, connect with others in our community, and make new friends.
Those under 18 may attend *IF* they are accompanied by a parent or guardian who is over 18. 

Snacks will be provided, feel free to bring something to do or share! We would love to have you join us! You won’t want to miss it!!

When/Where: Times and location varies.

Please visit our Facebook page or check out our Instagram to stay up to date on our upcoming event details and information! Reach out to us if you have any questions.

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